Play Clash Royale on PC With Bluestacks

Play Clash Royale on PC With Bluestacks. Clash Royale has not lost its popularity, despite the emergence of new games on the market. It is a game initially created for mobile devices with iOS and Android, but it can also be downloaded and installed on your PC. Play Clash Royale on PC With Bluestacks I am going to show you how to play Clash Royale on Windows PC with Bluestacks.

Play Clash Royale on PC With Bluestacks

What is Clash Royale?

Its official launch was in 2016 by the Supercell company. It is based on the game Clash of Clans, so several characters from that universe are present. Clash Royale is a card game combined with tower defense features.

It is a real time game where you fight with other players anywhere in the world. You have a customizable deck where you have eight cards to play.

How to download and install Clash Royale

It is a game created natively to be used on a mobile phone with an Android or iOS operating system. However, with a slight modification, the game can be installed on a PC.

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play clash royale on pc with bluestacks 1

How to install crash royale from your PC

Install Clash Royale on Android or iOS
Clash Royale App is available in the application store of each system. If you use Android, access Google Play, now if you use iOS, enter the App Store.

Write the name of the game in the store and select the first one from the list available.
Press the Install button. The automatic download and installation process begins.
When the installation process is finished, open the application.
You enter your access data for your account. If you don’t have one, it’s time to create it.
Now you can enjoy one of the most legendary mobile games.

Install Clash Royale on PC

Officially there is no application designed to play on PC. But with a little trick you can install the application. You will need to install an Android emulator like Bluestacks on a computer. This application is highly recommended in the world of gamers to play Android games due to its intelligent controls that can be customized.

Download Bluestacks from its official page. Is free.
Open the application installer, after the download is finished.
Accept the software license and press the Install Now button.
After completing the download, enter your access data to your Google account as if it were a mobile device.
Enter the Play Store and search for the game. Another way to do it is to download the APK file of the game and drag it with the course to the emulator.
When you find the game in the list press the Install button. Starts the automatic download and installation process.
Open the app.
Enter your access data or create a new account in Clash Royale.
Use bluestack to install Android applications

When you start the game you will notice that the interface is identical to the version of a mobile with Android. The advantage is that you can play in a larger window and use the mouse and keyboard as controls.

Doubts of parents when installing Clash Royale in clashadvisor
Clash Royale stands out for being a safe and controlled environment game for children. Supercell works constantly to offer a quality service and offer the highest security to its users.

Do you have an age limit?

It is a game designed for children who are at least 13 years old. However, the descriptions of the application are published in the Google Play store for Android and the App Store for iOS.

play clash royale on pc with bluestacks
play clash royale on pc with bluestacks

Does Clash Royale have a cost?

Clash Royale is a free game that works like a Freemium application. This means that to play the game it is not necessary to pay, but optionally offers in-app purchases to improve elements of the game.

The cost of the extras varies between $ 0.99 and $ 99.99. If a child is going to have access to the game, it is best to configure password protection or disable payment options.

The configuration goes to the system that your smartphone uses (Android or iOS). It is important to emphasize that at no time will Clash Royale have access to your credit card data, since it makes payment transactions through the App store.

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